Why You Should Learn How to Code — Regardless of Age

Ashton College
3 min readJan 31, 2022

Most people believe that coding is a relatively recent technology that was created in the early 2000s. As a result, most individuals are put off learning how to code. They believe that coding is too difficult to learn, or that they will not be able to keep up with periodical updates on the language. Early coding, on the other hand, has been around since the 1950s, when American scientist John Mauchly introduced short codes. Since then, programming has advanced at a frenetic pace, with standards underlying today’s programming languages like C, Pascal, and SQL emerging in the 1970s and current languages like C++, Python, and Java developing in the 1980s and 1990s. Accordingly, you are never “too old” to learn how to code.

Currently, only less than 0.5% of the world population know how to code. However, several celebrities, including NBA star Chris Bosh and Black Eyed Peas member will.i.am have long advocated for the inclusion of coding in basic educational curriculum. Whether you’re an experienced business professional or a recent high school graduate uncertain of what to do next, here is why you should learn how to code.

Develop your way of thinking

Programming languages are created in such a way that programmers must create codes that make sense logically. Different programs are governed by different sets of regulations. As a programmer, you are obliged to develop ways to create codes that are governed by constraints. These limitations require you to think critically and creatively, which are valuable skills in every career.

Unlimited job opportunities

It is no secret that programmers are in great demand in almost every industry. There is a global shortage of around 40 million software engineers as of the end of 2020, with the number predicted to rise to 85.2 million by 2030. As a result, having a programming language on your CV will get you a job anywhere in the world. Coding also allows you to work in a variety of fields, including public relations, technology, and even medicine. Plus, it would be cool to tell others that you work in STEM.

Once you learn, you don’t forget

Coding is like learning how to swim: once you learn, you’ll never forget. It’s simpler to learn other programming languages once you’ve mastered one, just like it’s easier to learn how to dive once you’ve mastered swimming. Learning the fundamentals of Python or Processing will make Robotics training much easier. Knowing how to code is also advantageous while getting an AWS certification or Azure certification. Knowing a little bit of any programming language may also benefit you in navigating through the platforms required for Storytelling training.

Start now

Overall, learning to code is immensely important to help build your skills, no matter how old you are or where you are in life. Learning to code does not take years or cost a lot of money. A Python certification from Ashton College will open many doors to a rewarding successful professional path. Register today to get a glimpse into your future in programming!

Written by Jaxine Kurniawan

